How to prepare your hair for the coming winter months?

Wear a hat…

Ok, this one seems kinda obvious, but if you’ve ever been skiing you’ll know that your hair can literally snap off and freeze! I’m not saying the UK will get to those temperatures, but anyone that has very fragile hair would do well to wear a hat. I love hats and frequently don my woollen beret, in fact, i love the autumn and winter months so i can wear it. And don’t worry about the hat hair, we will all be sporting it lol!

Buy or use a humidifier…

The cold winter air will dry out your hair, plus the use of indoor heating will too, so if you feel you’d like to protect your hair even more, get yourself an indoor humidifier.

Get regular trims…

So the age old question i get asked, “ does your hair grow quicker if you have regular trims? ”

Well the answer is yes, and no! Obviously you’re trimming your hair so you’re cutting it and making it a little shorter, but by the fact that you’re trimming it regularly (6-8weeks) then you will prevent splitting which will make your hair stronger, which in time means you’d need less off at each trim :)

Lower the water temperature in your shower…

Yes it’s cold outside and the thought of having a cold shower is not your thing, you’re no Ice man - Wim Hoff (who by the way is an impressive guy!) But actually. if you can turn the temperature down when washing your hair then you will help your hair from becoming more dry and brittle with the heat, plus, if you can be as brave to do a cold rinse, it really helps close those cuticles and promotes a natural shine, and closes the scalp pores too which in turn helps with excess sweating, scalp spots and grease.

Avoid heat styling if you can…

So you need to dry your hair quickly because its cold, but instead of reaching for the hair dryer, how about having a shower at night some days and letting your hair dry naturally. This will really help your hair from drying out, and maybe give you the chance to try some over night curling ideas such as braids or twists.

Don’t leave the house with wet hair…

As mentioned earlier, your hair can freeze and break in colder climates, so don’t add to this risk by leaving the house with wet hair, put a hat on. If you have to use a hair dryer, this is better than going outside with sopping wet hair! And you can also make yourself sick with a cold if you do, so it’s not ideal to have wet hair outside in the colder months!

Use an oil treatment…

A nice nourishing ‘leave in’ treatment is what you need, apply the oil to the mid lengths and ends of your hair daily. I found this great article on The Independent, i hope you find it useful :)

Deep condition once a week…

It’s so important to deep condition, especially if you have bleached or long hair. There’s some really good "‘leave in’ conditioners, here’s a few i found on Cosmopolitan

Have a great winter, and even if you do only one of these tips, you will definitely notice a difference!

See you soon, love Becks x

Feeling like a bit of vintage honeymoon inspiration?

Sorry i’ve been away from my blog, things have been busy in the Thairapy house! I’ve just set up an AirBnB business with one of my oldest friends Arwen. If anyone has been following my Airstream trailer renovations on instagram @marilyntheairstream, they would know about the work that has been carried out.

I purchased the Airstream in 2013 with my late mothers inheritance money, in fact, the very first post on my blog talks about it in more detail, so feel free to scroll back.

SO basically, i’ve had the Airstream (whom i call Marilyn after the one and only Marilyn Monroe) for 9 years now, and the last 3 years i’ve been renovating her, with the help of some great craftsmen and women!

And from 1st June 2021, she is ready for guests!

My late mother would be so proud to see this, and i know would have loved to stay in her. With her legacy at the very heart of this project, it gives me great pleasure to present…

Marilyn Meadows!

My dear friend Arwen and her husband Andrew have designed an amazing decking with a sunken bath and a private shower room for guests to stay. They found a fab American carpenter who lived locally who is called Dan Graves “Construction and Carpentry Service” can be found on FaceBook.

So if you’re getting married in the Herefordshire area and looking for a romantic vintage honeymoon look no further!!!!

Click the link to take you to the AirBnB listing x

2021/22 bridal hair accessory ideas...

So, i’m just in the middle of writing an article for Your East Anglian Wedding which is part of their Beauty Expert Q & A’s and thought i would love to share this with you too!

Theses gorgeous dried flower hair pieces make a beautiful alternative to fresh flowers, and they last longer, or forever if carefully stored! You can find them at

Once i get the go ahead, i’ll share the feature from Your East Anglian Wedding on here too :)

Have a lovely weekend and here’s to the salons opening on the 12th, fingers crossed!



Anyone else seen the snowdrops yet?? :)

So i was just thinking today whilst out on a walk with my trusty companion Dita dog, that the snowdrops were coming out, exciting, this means spring isn’t far away!

These gorgeous handmade hair slides caught my eye, so for anyone that is looking for something different, these delicate little pins could be just what you are looking for on your wedding day!

If you click the image the link will take you to the Etsy shop where i found them. Love the ethos behind Etsy too, supporting small businesses, after all, even the big businesses were small once!

Have a cozy January / soon to be Febuary,

speak soon, love Becks xx

gorgeous snowdrop hair slides found on Etsy : click the pic for the link

gorgeous snowdrop hair slides found on Etsy : click the pic for the link

Sorry i've been away from my desk xxx

Image copyright: 20th Century Fox - The Simpsons

Image copyright: 20th Century Fox - The Simpsons

Hello you lovely lot, so hows it all going?!

I can’t actually believe it was the end of June when i wrote on my blog last, so sorry about that! And in true Becks Simpson stylee i thought Bart could say it better lol!

So how are you, REALLY!

Its been such a weird few weeks, hence the lack of chat on here from me. I had a bit more time, well, ish, when my little chappy slept during the day for his 2 naps, now he’s on one nap a day, and the juggling of mumma and work life has sped up some what! I feel i’ve turned into a Montessori stay at home teacher mum too, so it’s no wonder the months have ran away!

The little chap is now 19 months old, and we’re currently exploring everything! I’m hoping to have a little bit more time for me once this Covid thing "‘DOES ONE". Sadly, due to limited family support it means i have my little man with me 24-7 which, if anyone has children knows, makes it somewhat tricky to do anything! I’m amazed i have time to post a story on Instagram, this can take me 10 minutes some days, seriously, what the actual!

Being 41, a geriactric mother in technical terms lol! This has to change quite frankly, but that’s a chat for another time!

Anyway, i’m really lucky right now to have this time with my young man, and being in a position where my partner has a secure job and can support us both in these unprecidented times means so much stress has been lifted from our families shoulders, and with the passing few months, and little chappy starting nursery in MAy (4th, star wars day, and where has 2 years gone by then?!) things will level out abit more for this mumma, and i can get my fuzzy brain back into some creative fun stuff again…

Starting with…my first bride of the year hopefully being able to fly across from NYC for her dress fitting, and then her hair rehearsal with me in January 2021, which i can’t wait for!!!

Roll on 2021, here’s to a less troubled time ahead for all xxx


@becksthairapy | @ellehitchensmakeup | @hermioneharbutt | @jennypackham

@becksthairapy | @ellehitchensmakeup | @hermioneharbutt | @jennypackham

So what can you achieve in lockdown whilst your baby is asleep…creating a new look website of course!!

It’s been really good to get my creative brain working on this, as i’ve not had much of an outlet these last few weeks (ok, well apart from my crazy and educational vids on insta) so this been a fun and nostalgic thing for me to do. I really love my Squarespace website platform, it has some great video tutorials to help you along the building process, basically, if i can do this, anyone can!

Thanks for taking a looksie!

See you lovely brides in 2021, it’s guna be a good one!!!


happy easter xx


I hope everyone is managing to find something healthy and creative to do during this first Easter lockdown?!

This is historically a very interesting time, and how we all cope and pull together as community is paramount!

If you haven’t followed me on Instagram yet you can find me @becksthairapy i’ve been doing a Fab Friday workout for the last 2 weeks, but as of tomorrow i will be doing a daily (Mon-Fri) posts to help keep people mentally motivated and inspired.

Starting this week i will be doing:

MOTIVATIONAL Mondays - on this day i will be quoting famous motivational quotes and affirmations

TALKING Tuesdays - on this day i will remind people to talk to friends, you can even talk to me. i will make myself available on a “live'‘ chat, you may even get to chat to my babbling baby boy :)

WAVING Wednesdays - on this day i will encourage and remind people to wave at others whilst out and about. We may not be able to shake hands or hug, but a wave can start exactly that, a wave of happiness and a feeling of being seen, something that for anyone that lives alone really needs right now!

THAIRAPY Thursdays - on this day i will showcase some hair styling tips, so if you have any requests send them my way!

FAB FRIDAY WORKOUTS - on this day i generally jump about and make a fool of myself whilst trying to keep fit lol! I am not a professionally trained fitness instructor, but i have been doing exercise since i was 15 and so know how to exercise safely. If you have any weakness in your body i do advise to watch and giggle until you feel ready to join in :)

See you lovely lot online…

Keeps safe xx

Stay at home you lovely lot xxx


So this has been a massive curve ball for the world! I hope everyone is hanging in there!

I am currently open and taking bookings for later in the year, but we must all be flexible, as rescheduling may happen due to the current crisis.

I’ve had a few weddings postponed to next year already and have a few others holding out in the hope their weddings can go ahead later in the year…but who knows?! I really do feel for all my lovely brides and future brides, please don’t loose hope xx as long as we have our health we have all we need right now, with that we ca rebuild and come back fighting!

Take care, and make the most of this time, there is positivity in all negatives.

Love Becks x

valentines xxxxxx MWAH


Not that i agree with having to show love on just one day for the delight of the Hallmark card industry, but i do like the fact that it reminds people to share the LOVE.

Whatever you’re doing this Valentines, have a lovely one xxx lots of love from Thairapy xxx



thanks for stopping by my blog on this hopefully sunny day in what usually is a grey January! I hope you all had a lovely holiday time :)

It always seems to be such a rush leading up to it, and then in a flash it’s over!


So, some of you lovely lot may have been proposed to before the end of 2019, if so, MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS!! You know where to come if you’re looking for a bridal hair stylist…nudge nudge wink wink ;)

booking form

Autumn Bridal Hair Ideas

Hair by thairapy

Hair by thairapy

Hair by thairapy

Hair by thairapy

And here’s some inspiration i found for you :)

I love this simple take on a pony tail. The bouncy curls ooze elegance and subtlety!

I love this simple take on a pony tail. The bouncy curls ooze elegance and subtlety!

Don’t be afraid to add some gorgeous coloured garlands to your hair styles, done right, they look stunning!

Don’t be afraid to add some gorgeous coloured garlands to your hair styles, done right, they look stunning!

These simple loose curls create this really pretty style, and the flower choices are very suitable for an autumn or spring wedding.

These simple loose curls create this really pretty style, and the flower choices are very suitable for an autumn or spring wedding.

Loving the romance and simplicity that you can feel from this style, the colours, the flower placement, it really is beautiful.

Loving the romance and simplicity that you can feel from this style, the colours, the flower placement, it really is beautiful.


thairapy had a baby!


So my little baby boy George decided he would like to come out 6 weeks early! As you can imagine this was a surprise!

Needless to say, i was glad i was super organised, as i had finished decorating his nursery 3 weeks before he arrived and i had also started to wind down Thairapy a month previous too!

He was always going to be called George after my boyfriends Grandpa, so little George must of known about St Georges Day as that is when he arrived, 23rd April 2019 at about 4am via an emergency c section .He was a breach baby and coming so fast i had to have general anesthesia too. This obviously delayed my recovery a little, and little George also had to be in the Special Care Baby Unit for 22 days too.

This was a very blurry time, the nurses at the hospital were amazingly supportive, and so made what would be a very stressful time somewhat bearable!


I am pleased to say we are all home now, and little George who first weighed 4lbs 13ozs at birth, now weighs a fabulous 9lbs 8ozs, and continues to do well :)

Until then, i will enjoy maternity leave with my new family, and look forward to 2020 where i will meet all you lovely new brides and clients :)

Love Becks x

thairapy featured in bride magazine

I always love receiving messages from my lovely brides telling me they have been featured in a magazine or blog, and this one i received a few days ago is no exception!

Hillary was one of my 2018 Christmas brides, click the link below to read and view the whole blog article…

In the meantime, here are some gorgeous pics from the talented Will Fuller Photography that capture Hillary and Dev’s special day perfectly!


bridal hair by thairapyWill Fuller Photography

bridal hair by thairapy

Will Fuller Photography

thairapy pic 1.jpg

happy new year everyone xx

I don’t know about you, but i choose not to do a resolution, i feel trying to stay focused all year round is key. And this imaginary wagon people talk about just puts pressure on, so if you fall off it (this imaginary wagon) then just go oh well, back to normal tomorrow :) No need to berate or set yourself back…

So there’s my pearly bits of wisdom to start the year off lol!

And so 2019 begins…

I had a lovely email the other day from the talented photographer Noemi saying myself and the other collaboration creatives got a feature in Affinity Wedding Magazine which was a great way to start the new year, so here it is…

Short and sweet, if you’d like to read the full article, and see all the credits, zoom in on the link which you can find here

Page 32-33 on the link


dare i mention the 'c' word!...



Sorry i had to go there, but for a good reason! We all know it’s one of the busiest times of year for us hairdressers, and in true thairapy style, i thought i’d be organised :)

If you’re having a party - wanting some lessons - have a last minute wedding planned…

send thairapy an email and we’ll be happy to help.

See you over the festive season, in 98 days!

Excited to share a collaboration shoot at the gorgeous venue that is Barrington Hall in Cambridge

The Creative Team:

photography @thymelanephoto
styling @hallandcoeventdesign
venue @barringtonhallcambridge
dress @audrey.ashley.couture
jewellery @bridaladornments
suit @duncanjameswalsall
bowtie @lillydillys
MUA @alikynoch
hair @becksthairapy
flowers @thyme_on_st.marys
stationery @dorothys_workshop6
cake @onepartlovebakery
models @elena.tun.model @reecegeorge_


This gorgeous shoot was a joy to work on, not only because of the fab creative team, but because this has to be one of my favourite hair styles for the era, and the colours chosen for the event venue styling are something i love too!

I think you'll agree it gives a warming feel of elegance, alongside the charm of the outdoors. 

The lovely Barrington Hall is located just outside of Cambridge and is a great place for a wedding/photoshoot/events




Once upon a time...


and into the evening they danced...



and they lived happily ever after xxx

thairapy Vintage inspiration

vintage thairapy.jpeg

Today i received this gorgeous image from Simon Carter i love recreating vintage hair styles, the long ones are in particular one of my favourites. 

This shoot was for Simon's portfolio, he wanted a Veronica Lake feel to the hair and style of picture taken. The stunning model is Sinopa Rin, she effortless got into character for this shoot, and even did her own make up.

I'm looking forward to the next one already :) 


Image inspiration for the shoot - Veronica Lake


thairapy now hosts hairstyling roadshows!


This week thairapy hosted the first ever hairstyling roadshow. The venue of choice was THIRSTY in Cambridge. THIRSTY is a really quirky craft beer and wine shop that not only sells great drinks, but also hosts lots of different events during the year, so make sure you check out their facebook page to see whats up next. They also have regular food trucks that stop by on these occasions too! 

On the night of thairapys first event (which was last week 5th July 2018) Holy Schnitzels  parked outside and fed everyone which was delicious! 



So, what to expect at a thairapy hairstyling roadshow?...

On arrival there will be a complimentary drink, in this case it was Prosecco,  then you are welcomed into the thairapy hairstyling suite.

Inside the thairapy suite is a Pop up Salon which you sit in whilst Becks holds a relaxed Q & A, you can ask her anything!

Then after this everyone is free to try out the things they've learnt whilst Becks supports and advises in the wings :)

On this occasion THIRSTY kindly offered 25% OFF Cocktails ALL NIGHT!

Oh you also get to take home a thairapy goody bag and purchase the bandanas you practice with too if you wish. 


All in all it makes for a fun and relaxed event. Someone compared it to hanging out at your mates house playing with your hair with your girlfriends before a night out, and that was exactly the feel Becks wanted!


If you want thairapy to come along to your event or private party then drop Becks an email, or message on facebook @thairapyfreelance

Happy Styling :) x 


thairapy vintage styling - Sarah Gray Photography 

thairapy vintage styling - Sarah Gray Photography 

NEW Hermione Harbutt Red Carpet & Ladies Race wear Collection 2018 - session styling by thairapy

I'm SO excited to share this new addition of Hermione's collection with you. I had the pleasure of being a part of the shoot for yet another year, which is lovely, as i get to reconnect with my Bristol dream team :) 

Hermione's pieces truly are a work of art! All of them are handmade here in the UK by herself and her talented team.

Eden Headdress Hermione Harbutt AmyOBoyle 4 1475 pounds.jpg

Enjoy the full article in LOVE MY DRESS

You can find her either in her flag ship boutique in:

Clifton, Bristol
Showroom & Head Office
13 The Clifton Arcade
Boyces Avenue, Clifton, 
Bristol BS8 4AA

Tel: 0117 9237647
Mob: 07919387780


or her 2nd showroom in:

Kensington, London

Showroom & London Office,
5 Kensington Church Walk,
London W8 4NB

Tel: 020 7937 8132
Mob: 07919387780
