Image copyright: 20th Century Fox - The Simpsons
Hello you lovely lot, so hows it all going?!
I can’t actually believe it was the end of June when i wrote on my blog last, so sorry about that! And in true Becks Simpson stylee i thought Bart could say it better lol!
So how are you, REALLY!
Its been such a weird few weeks, hence the lack of chat on here from me. I had a bit more time, well, ish, when my little chappy slept during the day for his 2 naps, now he’s on one nap a day, and the juggling of mumma and work life has sped up some what! I feel i’ve turned into a Montessori stay at home teacher mum too, so it’s no wonder the months have ran away!
The little chap is now 19 months old, and we’re currently exploring everything! I’m hoping to have a little bit more time for me once this Covid thing "‘DOES ONE". Sadly, due to limited family support it means i have my little man with me 24-7 which, if anyone has children knows, makes it somewhat tricky to do anything! I’m amazed i have time to post a story on Instagram, this can take me 10 minutes some days, seriously, what the actual!
Being 41, a geriactric mother in technical terms lol! This has to change quite frankly, but that’s a chat for another time!
Anyway, i’m really lucky right now to have this time with my young man, and being in a position where my partner has a secure job and can support us both in these unprecidented times means so much stress has been lifted from our families shoulders, and with the passing few months, and little chappy starting nursery in MAy (4th, star wars day, and where has 2 years gone by then?!) things will level out abit more for this mumma, and i can get my fuzzy brain back into some creative fun stuff again…
Starting with…my first bride of the year hopefully being able to fly across from NYC for her dress fitting, and then her hair rehearsal with me in January 2021, which i can’t wait for!!!
Roll on 2021, here’s to a less troubled time ahead for all xxx